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School Policies

The vision of North Elementary School is to provide the community with an exemplary educational environment that promotes individual development, intellectual growth and responsible citizenship.

Absence Reporting
If your child is absent, please call the school to let us know. The Absence Line is a voice mail system that is operational 24 hours a day. Please call the Automated Absence Line at 304-291-9201 to report the absence. You must also send a note to your child’s teacher when the child returns to school. The note should indicate the reason for the absence. Without a note, the absence will be noted as “unexcused”. 

Need Homework for Your Absent Student?
Before 9:30am on the morning of your child’s absence, please call the office at 304-291-9280.  Let us know your child’s name and homeroom teacher.  The teacher will have the work ready and sent to the office by the end of the day.

Student Arrival
The school day begins at 8:30am.  Students should not be at the school before 8:30am - unless enrolled in our Morning Adventures Program. There is a fee for this service.  For more information about Morning Adventures, call 304-599-7743.  North’s access road for “car riders” will be open at 8:30 AM.  Parents should utilize the lower road and drop students off at the gate near the end of the road. Teachers will be assisting at the drop off spot.  The main gate will be locked at 8:45 AM.  Car riders arriving after this time will enter the building through the main front doors. Students arriving at 8:50 or later are tardy and are required to complete a tardy slip in the school office.

Instruction begins promptly at 8:50 AM.  If your child arrives at or after 8:50 AM, he/she will be considered tardy.  Monongalia County Policy stipulates that 5 tardy slips will equal 1 unexcused absence.

Community and parent visitors are always welcome at the school.  Check into the office by signing the register, leaving a photo ID and obtaining a visitor sticker.  While in the building, please wear the visitor sticker in a clearly-visible location on your person. 

Telephone Usage
If you find it necessary to phone the school, a message can be relayed to your child.  Students cannot be called to the telephone.  Messages for teachers can be taken at any time.  Teachers will not be called from class to come to the phone.  Cell phones must be turned off and contained in backpacks.

Inclement Weather
During the school year, weather conditions may exist which prohibit the safe operations of school.  Announcements of this nature will be made via the local radio/television stations.  All families will receive a form with specific information for such events.

School Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are served daily.  Menus are sent home monthly.  Students may also purchase milk with their cold lunch. Milk payment is required at the point of sale at a cost of 25 cents.  All students will be billed by the fifth of the month for meals eaten during the previous month.  Payment is due by the tenth of each month.  Please be certain to return payment with the student ID number noted - this is how payments are recorded.  An application for Free/Reduced meals has been included in your child's opening packet.  If you think you might qualify, please complete the form and return it to the school.  Only one form per family needs to be completed.  Simply list all students on that one form.  You will be notified of your approval or of a denial of benefits.  This is based on family income.  Our lunch schedule this year will be:  11:15 - 1st and 3rd grade; 11:55 – kindergarten and 2nd grade; 12:35-4th and  5th grade

Homework is an extension of the school experience.  Homework is designed to help the student accomplish learning objectives.  Homework is defined as the completion of work started in the classroom, practice, enrichment or additional preparation for subsequent activities.  All homework will be acknowledged or graded and will be considered in arriving at the student’s final grade.  Students in grade K-2 should not have homework that exceeds 30 minutes per day.  Students in grades 3-4 should not have homework that exceeds 45 minutes per day.  Students in grade 5 should not have homework that exceeds 60 minutes per day.  The responsibility of homework assignments rests with the students.  Each teacher will advise parents in his/her opening letter of any specific plans or recommendations for coordinating homework activities and assignments.

Student Dismissal
All students are required to go directly to the predetermined destination after school.  If your child’s end of day schedule needs to be altered, the teacher must have a written consent with the new plan clearly-stated.  A written permission is required for a student to be picked up by any person other than a parent.  If a student is to be dismissed early, a written consent must be sent to school.  Any student being dismissed prior to the end of the day must be signed out of the office. Students leaving the office prior to 3:35 will be marked tardy. Students will be called to the office to meet their parent.  Any student leaving the school by a different bus must have two signed permission statements from their parent- one for the teacher and one for the bus driver.  Afternoon Adventures and Kaleidoscope are our two afterschool daycare programs.  Call 304-282-9399 or 304-599-7743 for more information.